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Fibroids, Endometriosis, & When a ‘Normal’ Period Isn’t Normal with Dr. Soyini Hawkins | Girlboss

Fibroids, Endometriosis, & When a ‘Normal’ Period Isn’t Normal with Dr. Soyini Hawkins | Girlboss

What are fibroids, anyway? And why do 80% of women have fibroids, yet we never talk about it!?

This week on Girlboss Radio, Puno talks about fibroids and endometriosis with our guest Dr. Soyini Hawkins—a gynecologist and surgeon specializing in the minimally invasive surgical management of fibroids and endometriosis, as well as a women’s health activist, empowering women to be better advocates for their health.

In this episode, you can hear how Dr. Hawkins is pioneering the conversation around women’s health—specifically around fibroids and endometriosis—as well as working to make a non-invasive surgery accessible to anyone who wants it (she was the first to bring it to the state of Georgia). You can hear the passion in her voice as she dives into topics that, historically, haven’t been discussed very openly.

Dr. Hawkins talks about everything from how she became a gynecologist, being personally diagnosed with endometriosis, having intensely invasive surgery that put her out for eight weeks (but bounced back and gave birth to two children) and how her personal experience with the conditions inspired her to specialize in the field.

Puno and Dr. Hawkins talk about their personal experiences with surgery for fibroids and endometriosis, and their go-to tips for surviving a day of work with massive period cramps (hint, it involves getting yourself a period partner and tie-dye sweatpants)

This episode is full of information that might cause you to think twice before ignoring period pain—in yourself and in the women who surround you— which you may think is ‘normal’ but could be underlying signs.

After all, around 80% of women suffer from fibroids or endometriosis. That means if you sat down in a room with 10 of your girlfriends, eight of them have it.  

You can listen to the episode now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or read the transcript below that has been edited for clarity on Girlboss Radio

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